Thursday, March 17, 2011

Let us Discuss

So I know I've ranted about my uncontrollable totally justified love of Dragon Age. I still haven't had time to place the second one and it kinda breaks my heart. So people reading this probably think I'm an RPG troll solely. Well, not really, okay probably. There's a reason for that though! When it comes to games like first-person shooters, I have a ridiculously hard time getting into those. Shoot this person, get shot, throw a grenade, throw a grenade back at the person who threw one at you too, run there, jump here, crouch behind that fence, oh look you got shot again. Watch as the person who shot you is a total douche on screen, and let us replay your death for you shall we?
That lemon and salt in the wound is totally appreciated >.>
Mainly the reason I can't get into those game is because I really play for the sake of a) characters and b) story. If a game has a great plot line and terrible graphics and game mechanics, I will still play it. One example being The Legend of Dragoon. I liked the story! The graphics were awful, and the game mechanics felt a little slow and choppy. And asked me to practically be the most dexterous person ever. I like to zone out on my screen when I play and just know automatically what buttons to press, when I have to actually look down to know what I'm doing. We have a problem. But the story line was good, and the characters were cool. The story line was cheesy though. A city called Neet? Really? And stardust that grants your oh-so-wanted-pretty-please wishes? Heh.
Then of course there are games with it is like WOAH EPIC GRAPHICS! The game play has been revolutionized! It has online multi player! You can shoot people through the head from 1232854382 miles away! Squash peoples self-esteem with your epic scores and your epic items and your the best because you have the most head shots! Also, there's a story line in there somewhere. And stereotypical british accent guy, and wtf black guy. I see those game and I do this:
I've tried to play them. In high school my guy friends all played Halo, so I would too. Granted I'm bad at it, but I really didn't like it. It had a story, kind of, but it wasn't important. The multi player was important. Then Call of Duty came out, tried playing that too. My brothers destroy on that game. Seriously, my youngest brother almost scares me with his scores. Once again, kind of a plot, mostly just shooting people and multi player. And people who say "Oh, but it has a great story!" No, just no. Do the characters progress and develop? Only if you count their body count. Actually, the latest Call of Duty: Black Ops plot caught my attention. So I watched my brothers play it through, and played it a bit myself. But I still hate first person shooters just on principle and the plot kinda ended with me going.. What...? So, no. First person shooters = bad, when it comes to me.
Wait, what was my point again?
Right, why I like the games I like.
I like a plot that moves forward and progresses you through the world and progresses your character. I like tough choices, not just tough combat. Moral dilemmas and ethical issues delight me. I also enjoy being able to like my NPCs. If a game has broken or one sided dialogue I'm groaning the whole way through. If the NPCs are flat, stereotype characters, groaning more to the point of facedesk-ing. I want to be engaged in my games, not just looking for who has the best score or the bigger numbers to crush my numbers with. Also, when I say engaging plot I don't mean a freaking movie Final Fantasy! >.>
So yes, I'm kind of a character/plot wench. I want characters that I can relate to, and characters I can hate, and I want a story that I will want to replay over and over again because it's just that engaging. Is that really so much to ask? Not really, I think that a few games have met my needs.
Unless your Oblivion, and have a half baked plot, but at least you please me with your sandbox-ness.
Games coming out this year I am looking forward too!:
Because who doesn't like Portal? Even Yahtzee likes Portal! Also, CAKE!
The Witcher 2. Looks cool, not entirely sure if I will like it. Didn't really play the first one, but hey give it a try.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I'm not totally into Sci Fi, but I like stealth/espionage so I'll give it a swing. Owen made a good point that the menu looks kind of convoluted though.
The First Templar, apparently takes you around Medieval Europe Assassins Creed meets God of War style. I'm only posting this because Owen will probably be all over that like a kid on glue. (Owen note: Assassin's Creed was a crappy game.) Well.. fine then.
Lastly, would I be a true RPG gamer nerd without being practically besides myself waiting for this game?
That's right. Elder Scrolls: Skyrim.
Could they pick a more epic day to release it? Gah! EXCITE!
Owen is also besides himself with excitement, but he won't admit that >.< He has too cool of a demeanor :)

Let's end with an example of greatest NPC of all time shall we (no really, he was awarded that)

Butt kicking for Justice!
Heh. <3 all around.


ETA: OH MY WORD! I already freaking love the Portal 2 robots! They're like... Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Also, GLaDOS makes me laugh, and want to hide all at the same time o_O
Also, also COMPANION CUBES! zomg.. 


  1. You know what I love? I'll tell you what I love. I love that you can write a whole post completely about gaming, and your opinions of such, which reveals your wonderful geekish-ness, and then round it all off with an allusion to Hamlet.

    Thus indicating that your geek-factor is many faceted and *awesome*.


    Be my friend always? ^_~

  2. I love that you love that! Haha.
    And obviously I am going to be your friend always, geeky girls must stick together! Also you're just plain awesome. True statement.
    And what would a good geeky post be without a Shakespeare reference? Nothing. That's what!


  3. Neil I got heavy into Morrowind for a couple years when he was at Optometry school. It really was the story that sold us on it (neither of us are first person shooter types - at all. I tried Halo a few weeks ago and found it kind of blah, although blowing up aliens IS kind of fun, I admit).

    Right now though, this phase of life, doesn't allow a lot of spare time for gaming. Play a game or write a book? Hmm...I'm going to go with the book, but I miss Morrowind and suddenly I'm thinking 11/11/11...oooo....
