Tuesday, December 14, 2010

And suddenly they all broke out into Queen

Well. That was just my lunch hour.
Now, what jersey's they are wearing I have no clue about. But today I'm standing in line at Subway (I lurves it) when I realize the Scaramouch-ing I can hear isn't just my head playing Queen. Which doesn't happen often which is why I was wondering in the first place. So I grab my lovely perfected sandwich (hey it took my whole life, it's perfect) and look over the +15 railing to see these guys. Rock Band-ing it out in the lobby of the PetroCan Tower. Let me tell you, the guy singing had some serious guts, because there were a lot of us watching. And laughing. Mostly laughing. I have no clue what it was for, but you can see the camera guy there filming them, so I'm sure it'll show up on CityTV or something.
Also. Holy two days of blog posts?! I'm so proud of myself :)


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